The Pipe Club of Lebanon




17/2/2024: The 17h International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration at the PCoLeb
The PCoLeb, co-creators of the IPSD in 2007-2008, celebrated the event, as always, with plenty of good food and drinks and, of course, plenty of smoke!

ipsd 2024

ipsd 2024

ipsd 2024

ipsd 2024

ipsd 2024

ipsd 2024

ipsd 2024

3/6/2023: The PCoLeb holds its third lunting trip!

The PCoLeb met today for its third "lunting" event in Mazraat Kfardebian.


The 16h International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration at the PCoLeb

The PCoLeb, co-creators of the IPSD in 2007-2008, celebrated the event with plenty of good food and drinks and, of course, plenty of smoke!

IPSD 2023

      2023 Table

      2023 Dinner

IPSD 2023 Plaque
The plaque of the event, courtesy of our member Hassan Hashem

20/2/2022: The 15th International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration at the PCoLeb

The PCoLeb met for its yearly dinner at Al-Delb restaurant in Bikfaya.

Again, lots of good food and plenty of smoke!

Below is the commemorative plaque of the event, courtesy of our member Hassan Hashem.


The 14th International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration at the PCoLeb

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we were not able to hold the IPSD as scheduled in February.

With the situation having improved, however, we met for our yearly dinner at Al-Delb restaurant in Bikfaya.

As usual, lots of good food and plenty of smoke!

ipsd 2021

5/12/2020: The PCoLeb holds its first lunting trip!

The PCoLeb met today for its first "lunting" event in Mazraat Kfardebian. After walking along a nature trail, we had lunch at Al Kanater restaurant where we enjoyed wholesome Lebanese food and Arak.



22/2/2020: The 13th International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration at the PCoLeb

Our greetings to all pipesmokers from the co-creators of the IPSD!


23/2/2019: The 12th International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration at the PCoLeb

Our greetings to all pipesmokers from the co-creators of the IPSD!

IPSD 2019

24/2/2018: The 11th International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration at the PCoLeb

Greetings to all pipesmokers from the co-creators of the IPSD!

IPSD 2018

18/2/2017: The 10th International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration at the PCoLeb


Warm greetings to all pipesmokers from the co-creators of the IPSD!



IPSD 2017



IPSD 2017


IPSD 2017


IPSD 2017


IPSD 2017


IPSD 2017


IPSD 2017


IPSD 2017


IPSD 2017


IPSD 2017




20/2/2016: The 9th International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) celebration at the PCoLeb


A warm salute to all pipesmokers of the world from the co-creators of the IPSD!


IPSD 2016



IPSD 2016




21/2/2015: The 8th International Pipe Smoking Day celebration at the PCoLeb

As co-creators of the IPSD in 2008, we are proud, once again, to raise our pipes in honour of the noble art of pipesmoking.

A friendly salute to all pipesmokers of the world!

IPSD 2015

IPSD 2015

22/2/2014: The 7th International Pipe Smoking Day celebration at the PCoLeb

The 7th IPSD, which the Pipe Club of Lebanon helped create, was held, as usual, at Paul's place. Lots of food and drinks, and lots of smoke. This year's event was marked by the attendance of our good friend from the Pipe Club of Greece, George Ketselides.


From left to right, standing: Marc, Tarek, Issam, Mohamad, Harvey, Paul, George, Patrick, Fares; sitting: Peter, Antoine, Oliver


With the ladies


23/2/2013: The 6th
International Pipe Smoking Day celebration at the PCoLeb

This year's celebration was marked by the creation of a big glass shield bearing the arms of the club, courtesy of our glass master Fares Irani.

As always, a mix of good food, plenty of drinks, and billowing smoke everywhere made this 6th IPSD a memorable event.

6th IPSD 

Club founders

18/2/2012: The PCoLeb celebrates the fifth International Pipe Smoking Day

Lots of food, drink, and smoke, as usual!


19/2/2011: The PCoLeb celebrates the fourth International Pipe Smoking Day!

This year's IPSD was held at Paul's house. Snacks and refreshments were served, and the club members, as they were savouring prime tobacco in their pipes, went over the year's achievements and brainstormed about things to do for 2011.


26/9/2010: Pedro Romero-Auyanet's stamps for the Pipe Club of Lebanon


Another welcome goodie from Pedro, our dear member from Canarias:








20/2/2010: The PCoLeb celebrates the third International Pipe Smoking Day!


This year's IPSD fell on a Saturday, which was a very good excuse to have everybody out to a restaurant. "Zahr el-Laymoon," or "Orange Blossoms," was chosen as the ideal place for the members and their partners: nicely situated, quiet, not too expensive and, most importantly, famous for its superlative food. At around 21:00, everyone was there, and pipes were eagerly filled as the "meza" dishes (the famous Lebanese appetizers) were brought in. Water pipes ("arghiles") were also ordered, and cigars were lit. At around 23:00, when the grilled meat and chicken were served, the members were still smoking strong (some were filling their third bowl). Below are some photos. 








20/2/2009: The PCoLeb celebrates the second International Pipe Smoking Day!


On this second year of the IPSD, the meeting and dinner were held at Fares' place. After a presentation on Peterson pipes and a discussion of the coming publications and activities of the PCoLeb, pipes were lit and various fragrant aromas quickly filled the place. When, much later, visibility was regained, food was promptly ordered and voraciously taken care of. Then time came for another round of discussions on sundry matters, punctuated by the cracking of matches as pipes were relighted. All present raised their pipes to their overseas brethren and sisters and wished the best to all lovers of the briar.



 (from left to right: Harout, Tarek, Elie, Oliver, Paul, Marc, Salim, Fares, and Jihad)




23/2/2008: The PCoLeb celebrates the first International Pipe Smoking Day!


Drinks and dinner were served at Paul's house on Saturday, February 23, in celebration of the first-ever IPSD. Pipes were then promptly removed from their boxes and leather cases, and heavy tobacco smoke, ranging from English mixtures to sweet aromatics, soon filled the sitting room. A brand new box of W. O. Larsen's "Old Fashioned Pipe Tobacco" was opened by Elie Seif and went the round of appreciative comments. Pipes were raised (see photo #2 below) to the pipesmoking brother/sisterhood, wherever they may be, and new projects were discussed, among them a book (details are still kept secret!) and upcoming brochures. All members wish their best to all pipesmokers and are looking forward to next year's celebration!





 (from left to right: Fares, Elie, Salim, Oliver, Jihad, Rick, Paul, Gihad, Tarek, and Marc)




20/1/2008: The International Pipe Smoking Day is officially part of every pipesmoker's calendar!


After months of hard work, the Pipe Club of Lebanon, the Smokers Forum (, the Vancouver Pipe Club (, and the Global Pipe Smokers Forum ( are very proud to announce to the pipesmoking world that a dedicated day, February 20th of every year, has been officially set aside as the "International Pipe Smoking Day" to honour, celebrate, and perpetuate the noble and ancient art of pipesmoking.


Other than having a day in the year "just for us," the International Pipe Smoking Day (IPSD) will also be the occasion when the ancestral and much-revered traditions of pipe raising and tobacco exchanging are practiced.


Indeed, we are asking that all pipesmokers raise their pipes on February 20th in a symbolic gesture of brotherhood and sisterhood with all other pipesmokers in the world, thus expressing the peaceful, pacifist, generous, and tolerant principles of true pipesmoking. We are also asking that pipesmokers kindly send, within their abilities, a symbolic token consisting of a few pinches of tobacco to other pipesmokers or other pipe clubs in the world. In order to strengthen the bonds between pipesmokers, we encourage this symbolic gesture to be directed at as distant or less-known clubs as possible. Finally, we are asking that pipesmokers use February 20th to meet with like-minded persons and engage in discussions related to the lore of pipesmoking. In a word, let this be our day!


A webpage has been created for the IPSD at and the pdf version of the announcement can be found below.


The International Pipe Smoking Day Brochure




New! Pedro Romero-Auyanet has just created the following wallpapers in commemoration of the IPSD. Click here to download the full set!







